
Spain filmotech
Spain filmotech

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El empresario que se ha hecho con el 70 del cine español comprando desde 1980 -a través de la compañía Video Mercury Films los derechos de cientos de películas a viudas, productores en problemas y absorbiendo pequeñas empresas en apuros, consiguiendo precios muy bajos. The Cinec Awards are presented by the prestigious Bavarian Society for the Advancement of Film Technology, and awarded to innovative and trendsetting products and developments of motion picture technology. Filmotech La gran ‘mochila’ de Enrique Cerez o y el catálogo de su productora.

spain filmotech

The 2010 award was presented to us for our Camera Support-System the U-crane (formerly known as Russian Arm) gyroscopic-stabilized camera crane. Filmotech is a freeware (but donations are welcome ).

Spain filmotech movie#

The 2018 award was presented to us for our telescopic Russian Arm crane. Filmotech - Features Features Filmotech is a movie catalog software for movies on DVD, Blu-Ray, DiVX, CD, VHS and more. The villa offers a spacious solarium and a private swimming pool. Otro informe realizado por IAB Spain en Julio de 2011 sobre Video marketing y publicidad en vídeo online indica que las principales preferencias de los usuarios habituales de vídeos en Internet son las películas (195 minutos a la semana), las series de televisión (168), los fragmentos de programas (133) y programas completos de televisión grabados (103). Two other highlights in our 30 years of history was receiving the 20 Cinec award. Villa with Spacious Design and Private Pool in Avileses Murcia The villa with three bedrooms is located in the traditional Spanish town of Avileses, Murcia.

Spain filmotech full#

Filmotechnic covers the full product life cycle for camera systems from concept to delivery and support. As a result of our achievements in enabling camera movements and image stabilization, we hold a wide range of international patents, inventors certificates and proprietary technologies. Digital Cinema in Spain: Production, Exhibition and Future Possibilities in Distribution Alléne Hébert Consultant Revaluz Media Barcelona FMX Stuttgart, Germany May 4, 2007.

spain filmotech

Result of project by distributors Cameo, El Deseo, Tornasol Films, Golem, Avalon, Wanda Films, Vértigo, Alta Films, Versus Entertainment. The other Oscar was awarded for the concept and development of the Cascade series of motion picture cranes. VOD PLATFORMS IN SPAIN State of the art, January 2013 Filmin (the only one with MEDIA support) Platforms PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Samsung TV, PS3 Company start 2007. Academy Awards for the concept and development of the Russian Arm gyro-stabilized camera crane and the Flight Head. In 2006 Anatoliy Kokush proudly won two Oscar Awards at the 78th.

Spain filmotech